
With every bruise sustained,

With every excruciating blow!

You jovially accept and rejoice,

Assimilate, and continue to grow!!

For that deeply-seated Wisdom

Always needs some fresh gust

In order to thrive and glow!!


Refined, and always holding

Your head high, and high above

Nothing makes you bow

Or kneel,

Or even slightly fret!!

For Allah (SWT) everything Hath

For Thee ordained

And so kindly set.

Engulfed we are

In His infinitely Hugging Love!!


Can you imagine ‘Life’

With no obstacles to face?!

No riddles

to painstakingly try?!

No crude risks

To carefully

Or carelessly take?!

No follies to blindly

E’er pursue?!

No lonely journeys

Into no-man’s-land

To daringly set to make?!

No fallen leaves

From the bottom

Of your bosom

To rake?!

No feathers

From your gray brains

To pluck?!

How barren would

The Earth then be?!

To beget and

Maintain ‘Life’?!

What a darn

And dreary place?!


‘Life’, my friend, breeds

Both the ‘Sweet’

And the ‘Sour’!

Take it as it unfolds,


Live it fully –

In the service

Of Almighty

And All your ‘Earth Patriots’!!

Every second of it

And every hour!

Born you certainly are

For a great

And inspiring CAUSE,

That no PAIN whatsoever

Can devour –

Caution: You have

No time to pause!!


Hang on to the straightest WAY.

Let no Satan lead

Your weary feet astray!!


You have the WILL,

my friend,

And are endowed with

A wonderful Skill

To make a lasting Impact!

Now is the time

To move ahead and Act!

You just simply can’t


Or even

Stand still!!


Ahmedelbadawi Mustafa Omer Eltinay

May 5th, 2012

6:15 PM